Starting and sustaining a business is an endeavor that demands dedication, grit, and strategic thinking–not unlike military service. For veterans, our work ethic and values make us especially well-suited for entrepreneurship. It’s a journey filled with unique challenges, but the opportunities are absolutely worth it. One of the very first things you should do after working on your innovative business or creative masterpiece is to safeguard your business’s future by protecting your intellectual property (IP). It’s time to explore the ways IP protection can be a game-changer for veteran-owned businesses.

Copyrights: The Armor for Your Creative Work

Military life has a unique impact on every individual, but for those who found inspiration and growth potential, you might need to scratch that creative itch. You may be writing your memoir, artwork, or writing a song that will resonate with people all over the world, all of these need IP protection. Before you start pitching your composition to anyone, the first step is securing an official copyright. Here’s why:

Ownership Assurance: Although copyrights essentially begin after the work’s creation, registered copyrights provide you with legal proof of ownership over your intellectual creations. They establish your authority over your song, manuscript, or artwork, making sure that you’re recognized as the sole creator and credit is given where it’s due.

Theft Deterrence: Copyrights are a powerful deterrent against individuals or entities attempting to plagiarize or steal your work. Certain groups or people may attempt to take advantage of your background as a veteran to capitalize on your experiences. Knowing that your creation is legally protected discourages unauthorized use, and shows everyone that you’re serious about your creations.

Revenue Generation: Copyrights empower you to monetize your work. You can license your song for use in various mediums like films, commercials, or cover versions, generating revenue and enhancing your brand. If a film company wants to buy the rights to make a movie about your top-selling memoir, your copyright will make sure you get your fair share.

IP’s First Line of Defense

One of the key challenges veteran-owned businesses face is the lack of awareness regarding the importance of IP protection. Although the government has educational seminars and business development organizations like the Office of Veterans Business Development (OVBD) to help get your business off the ground, protecting your creative assets requires ongoing attention and an experienced legal professional on your team. 

Even if you’re not sure when you’re ready to take the next big leap in your creative career, you should still seek copyright protection to protect it in the meantime. You worked hard and sacrificed a lot to get where you are today, so you deserve to reap the benefits of your innovations. It’s an absolute necessity for any business, but especially for veteran-owned businesses. There are many resources about IP protection provided by the OVBD, but you don’t just need someone to tell you what to do, you need a strategic legal partner looking out for your best interests. It just so happens that our firm, Tonia Robinson Law, is also a veteran-owned business, so we know first-hand how important it is to empower fellow service members. If your creativity can’t be contained any longer, call (415) 450-7663 to schedule a consultation and get ready to show the world what you can do!